It started about six years ago when my dad asked if I could install the Angus App on his tablet. So, of course, I said yes, not realizing at the time this would become a part-time job for me. My daughter and I went to the farm that summer to visit and help work the cattle, and it brought back memories of my childhood in Kansas. As a child we lived in town but spent as much time as we could on the farm, I loved spending time in the house with grandma and was always the kitchen helper. Grandma was an amazing cook and I loved to help. When I got old enough to drive, I would volunteer to take tea & sandwiches to the guys working in the field. Guess my point is, I spent all my time being a cook & Uber delivery driver, not actually outdoors doing physical work with the cows. Our favorite time of year was the calving season, they were so fun to watch play around, and we would laugh as we watched them play king of the mountain. So, this time coming back to the farm with my daughter for our trip, I found that dad had two tablets, he thought one was broken, however, it just needed to be charged, but he had bought a second one because of this. I got both charged and running, and away I went with my task at hand. I installed Angus’s App on all his devices. I am sure you see where I am going with this, it was a hot mess express. So, when I left him and traveled back to California, I started the process. As the months went by, he needed help to get his Angus cows entered and registered. What that meant was the computer lady needed to get them registered. I quickly made friends with a customer support woman at Angus, and she helped me figure out the mess. Next was the task of keeping it updated.
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This cattleman has spent his life farming and working cattle and is responsible for raising great, genital cows. He writes everything down on paper in his calving book and has no issues using his iPhone to easily see that the needed information is correct. Stay tuned to future blogs as I go through the process of becoming the computer lady and working with an old farmer who has become a well-known Angus cattleman in Kansas.
Thank you for reading!
Signed The Computer Lady